US Kansas City Fed Mfg Activity Oct: 31 (est 20; prev 22) - KC Fed Mfg improves in October - Neil's Summary

US Kansas City Fed Mfg Activity Oct: 31 (est 20; prev 22) 10_2021_KC_Survey_Manuf.pdf ( After declining from 29 to 22 in September, KC Fed manufacturing survey bounced back in October to 30 with expectations for future production remaining near 20 year highs. P roduction, shipments, new orders, and employment all on net increased, while prices and delivery times continued to hit new survey highs. Here was the commentary from Chad Wilkerson, vice president and economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. “Regional factory activity rose further,” said Wilkerson. “Production and employment have continued to increase. However, more firms reported additional price increases and delivery time delays. Most contacts expected supply chain issues to be resolved within the next 6 to 12 months, but 36% of firms expected these issues to persist for more than 12 months.” Here's the commentary from the report: Tenth District manufacturing growth edged higher, and ...